Every preacher, every holy book says that ' God is Omni-Present ',i.e., he's everywhere. If he's everywhere in the universe and evil exists in the same universe, that also implicates that the evil is residing beside God.
Bhagavad-Gita preaches that 'Good never perishes and Evil doesn't exist ', just as darkness is mere absence of light, evil is just the absence of Good. Evil has only a relative but not absolute existence.
The updated version might be, 'What is Good for you might be an Evil thing for someone else and vice versa.'
A classic example will be the hottest and never-ending topic for debate
- 'Reservations Based On Caste'. The reserved people feel great about them while the unreserved but deserved feel frustrated.

The first one would be in the context of 'Drugs'. When the most popular English novelist and politician 'Jeffrey Archer' went to jail*, he was shocked by the fact that the prison officer's efforts to suppress the usage of drugs are harming them more than the authorities were worried of.
This is because of the 'Mandatory Drug Test(MDT)' they introduced, which permits the authorities to conduct the test on anyone if they are suspected of taking drugs inside the jail. If found guilty, they can be punished with extra time on their sentence each time they get caught. Usually, if you have any little prior knowledge on this subject you must have known that Heroin is more costly as well as more harmful when compared to Weed/Ganja/Cannabis in any part of the world*.
The complication here is that if you take Weed or mostly any other drug, it will stay in your blood for 3-4 weeks, no matter what you do. But if you take heroin you can just flush it out of your system without any trace within just 24 hours by just drinking a hell lots of water which is not that difficult. This led to a substantial increase in the number of heroin consumers and turned them into addicts and their health's begun to deteriorate as well as their financial status.
With all the good intentions of curbing the intake of the drug inside the prison, the MDT was introduced. On the contrary, this MDT made the lives of prisoners much complicated, miserable and got them addicted to one of the evilest thing people snort/inject.
Comparing Heroin to Weed, anyone can assume that the later one is not as harmful when compared to the former drug. This is because Weed when taken in prescribes amounts can sometimes be a 'Not so Harmful' drug, but this is completely opposite to the case of Heroin intake, where the addicts keep counting the days they might live but don't give up the addiction.
Prisoners who understood the severity of MDT or realized they Weed addiction and were capable of restraining from drugs acquired good results while the others just got addicted to the 'Evil' heroin and went further down in their lives.
This MDT has successfully reduced the intake of drugs 'officially' and made authorities feel good about themselves while it completely ruined the prisoners.
FUN FACT - In India, seized drugs should be disposed of only after getting the required orders from concerned courts. Approximately 4 lakh kilograms of weed has been confiscated during 2014-16, but only 20k of the total amount has been disposed. What do you think happened to the remaining amounts?
*for a particular amount of money the ratio of heroin and weed you get(quantity) will vary between 1:8 to 1:25
*Jail- Reason for going to prison
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